November 24th - Hebrews 10:11-25

November 24th, 2024 – Hebrews 10:11-25

Questions to think about

What is a regular task that you have to do? Do you enjoy doing it? If not, what gives you motivation to keep doing it?

Have you ever been overly confident that you could do something? How did you find out your confidence was misplaced?

What are some things that you have confidence that you can do well? What gives you that confidence?

Look at Hebrews 10:11 – If the priest’s sacrifice had no power to take away sin then why were they offered? What was the purpose of the Old Testament sacrificial system?

What was different about Christ’s single sacrifice?

Why did he sit down and what is significant about this?

Why can we have confidence to go into the presence of God?

What are some reasons that people (you?) don’t meet regularly with other Christians (worship services, Bible studies, etc.)?

Why is it important for Christians to meet together regularly? What are some benefits we receive by meeting together regularly?

What are some ways that we can stir up one another to love and good works?

Related Scripture passages to meditate on

Leviticus 16

Matthew 5:17-20

Matthew 26:17-30

John 1:29-34

Romans 8:1-17

Romans 12

Romans 13:8-14

Ephesians 2:11-22

Colossians 2:13-23

Hebrews 4:14-16

November 17th - Matthew 7:24-29 - Warning Labels

November 17th, 2024 – Matthew 7:24-29 – Warning Labels

Questions to think about

What are some strange warning labels that you’ve seen?

When was the last time you gave a warning to someone? What was the situation? Why did you do it?

Why do we (humans) sometimes react poorly to a warning? Why do we sometimes do the opposite of the warning?

What makes a person wise? What makes a person foolish?

What does it mean to build your life on a “rock” as opposed to “sand”?

In this parable is Jesus saying anything about salvation? What are some of the implications of believing this parable is about salvation?

There are some false teachers who teach a theology of glory (prosperity gospel) – a belief that God will reward those who think and act positively with health, wealth, and abundant life. How does Jesus indirectly counter these false teachings in this parable?

How can you identify areas of your life where you might be building on a shaky foundation?

What are some “storms” (life challenges) that you’ve faced? How did those storms reveal the strength or weakness of your foundation in Christ?

Related Scripture passages to meditate on

Deuteronomy 6:1-9

1 Samuel 15:22 & Hosea 6:6

Matthew 8:5-13

1 Corinthians 3:10-15

James 1:22-25

James 2:14-26

1 John 1:5-2:6

November 10th - Matthew 7:15-23 - Counterfeits

Adjective: Counterfeit – made in exact imitation of something valuable or important with the intention to deceive or defraud.

Synonyms: Pretend, fake, simulate, assume, imitate, bluff, sham, conceal, masquerade, impersonate

Questions to think about

Have you ever bought something and then found out that it was a fake? How did you find out it was fake? Were there any consequences from buying a counterfeit product?

Counterfeit products can include artwork, food, clothing, bags, electronics, drugs, cleaning devices, footwear, cosmetics, medical equipment, jewelry, and money just to name a few things. Why is the counterfeit industry so big? Why do people make fake products?

Jesus tells us that we are to beware of false (counterfeit) prophets. Why?

What are some of the common false messages today that are being passed off as “Biblical”?

What are some ways that we can identify false messages and why is it important to be able to do this?

Why is it so important to read/study the Bible regularly?

Related Scripture passages to meditate on

Deuteronomy 13

Deuteronomy 18:20-22

Jeremiah 21:21-40

Matthew 18:7-9

2 Timothy 3:1-5

Hebrews 4:12

2 Peter 1:16-2:3; 17-22

1 John 4:1-6

November 3rd - Matthew 7:13-14

Questions to think about

What is the narrowest road that you’ve ever been on? Was it a good or bad experience?

What is a difficult decision that you’ve had to make? Why was it difficult?

On a trip would you rather go to a spot that is well known (and visited) or would you rather find a little known attraction that doesn’t get many visitors?

What are some key decisions you’ve made that have changed or shaped your life?

Why does Jesus describe the way to destruction having a way gate and being easy?

How would you answer someone who believes that it doesn’t matter what you believe as long as you are sincere? That everyone is going to go to heaven?

How do we enter the narrow gate?

Salvation is a free gift of God, but it’s described as a narrow gate and road leading to life is hard. If it’s free why is it hard? In what ways it is difficult to follow Jesus?


Related Scripture passages to meditate on

Deuteronomy 30:11-20

Joshua 24:14-28

Proverbs 2

Proverbs 14:12-16

Luke 9:23-25

Luke 9:57-61

Mark 10:17-31

John 14:6

Romans 5:6-8