Bethel Women's Ministries meets monthly at the church.  They have a bible study and time of prayer.

The women of Bethel also plan various baby and bridal showers and other women's events that take place periodically throughout the year.  Card making is a special activity they have enjoyed taking part in.

They support the national Church of the Lutheran Brethren Women's Ministries projects.  Examples of some of these projects are: providing baby clothes for the Mercy Hospital in Gunebor, Chad, supporting missionary families, and raising funds for the seminary and pastors' wives retreats.

A second women's ministry group meets in the homes of various women in the Lake Mills area on a monthly basis.  They enjoy a dessert, bible study, and time of prayer together.  They also support various people and organizations that need financial assistance.

If you'd like more information concerning women's ministries at Bethel, please call or email the church.

Here is a link to the Church of the Lutheran Brethren's Women's Ministries website if you'd like more information about the denomination's women's ministries as a whole: