September 29th - Matthew 6:5-13 - The Lord's Prayer Part 2

Questions to think about

Define “prayer”?

Do you ever get distracted when you are praying? What kinds of things distract you?

What are some ways you can minimize the distractions?

Do you have more than a day’s worth of food in your house?

When we pray “Give us our daily bread” what are we asking God to give us?

Why are there so many different words that we use for sin? Debt, trespass, iniquity, etc.

Why is being forgiven by God dependent on us forgiving others? (see Matthew 6:14-15)

Read James 1:13-14 – If God doesn’t tempt us why do we pray “Lead us not into temptation?”

What are some ways that we can resist temptation?

Who is the evil one?

When we pray the Lord’s Prayer how we can keep it from being repetitive to the point where we are just saying words without thinking about the meaning?


Related Scripture passages to meditate on

Exodus 16

Exodus 34:1-9

Psalm 27

Matthew 18:21-35

1 Corinthians 10:13

Colossians 3:12-17

1 John 1:9

James 1:12-18

September 22nd - Matthew 6:5-13 - The Lord's Prayer

Questions to think about

Define “prayer”?

Do you have a regular place/time that you pray?

What are the two parts of the Lord’s Prayer?

“Our Father in heaven” – what does this mean? What is a perfect father like?

“What does “hallow” mean?

How do you make God’s name holy?

What are you asking for when you say, “Your kingdom come”?

What is God’s will?

What part do you play in achieving God’s will on earth?


Related Scripture passages to meditate on

Proverbs 15:8

Luke 6:27-28

Luke 18:1-8

1 Thessalonians 4:1-8

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

2 Peter 3:9

Ephesians 6:10-18

1 Timothy 2:1-6

September 8th - Matthew 6:5-15 - Prayer

Questions to think about 

Define “prayer”?

Why do you think non-religious people pray?

Why do you pray?

If God knows everything then why do we supposed to pray?

Does God always answer your prayers?

Do you change your language when you pray? (e.g. your language becomes more formal?) If so, why do you think you do so?

What are some things that you pray about?

1 Thessalonians 5:17 says that we are to pray without ceasing. How do we do this?

Sometimes I’ve heard people say “I need to improve my prayer life”. What do you they mean?

Jesus tells a parable about a persistent widow to illustrate that his disciples are to always pray. What is the difference between constant prayer (Romans 12:12), praying without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17), always praying (Luke 18:1) and not to babble and not pray with a great many words?


Related Scripture passages to meditate on

Joshua 9

Psalm 55

Luke 2:36-38

Romans 8:26

Romans 12:9-21

Philippians 4:6-7

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

James 4:1-10


September 1st - Matthew 6:1-4 - Practicing Righteousness

Questions to think about

Have you ever received an anonymous gift? How did it feel?

What are some reasons that a person wants to remain anonymous when giving a gift?

Make a list of 5-10 things that you would consider “acts of righteousness” (good deeds).

Is it possible to be considered “righteous” by God because of our “acts of righteousness”?

What are some good reasons that people give money to charities or non-profit organizations? What are some bad reasons?

Do you think a charity should accept a gift from someone who has bad motives? Why or why not?

Jesus assumes that people are going to give to the needy (when you give to the needy)? How can we make sure that we have the right motives when we give?

Read Matthew 6:4 – what do you think is the reward that God will give? Also see Matthew 5:12, 6:6, and 6:8).


Related Scripture passages to meditate on

1 Samuel 15:22/Hosea 6:6

Proverbs 25:27

Matthew 5:13-16

Matthew 23:1-28

Luke 18:9-14

John 7:14-24

John 12:37-43

Acts 5:1-11

Acts 20:35

Romans 3:21-26

Colossians 3:23-24