June 2nd, 2024 - The Beatitudes Part 2 - Matthew 5:1-12
/Questions to think about
How has God blessed you this week?
Can you think of a time when someone showed mercy to you?
How can you practice mercy in your daily life?
Jesus tells us in Matthew 15 that “out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, and slander.” How is it possible for us to have a pure heart?
What does it mean to be a “peacemaker”?
How can you be a “person of peace”?
What is your natural response when someone harms you?
What do you think is the proper way to react when someone persecutes us because of our faith?
Why should we “rejoice and be glad” when we are persecuted?
Related Scripture passages to meditate on
Psalm 24
Psalm 51
Isaiah 52:7-12
John 15:18-27
Ephesians 2:11-22
Hebrews 12:1-2