1 Peter 1:13-2:3

January 26th, 2025 – 1 Peter 1:13-2:3

Questions to think about

What are some meaningless/pointless activities that you like to do? 

What does it mean for an activity to have meaning/purpose?

What is the purpose or meaning of a Christian life? How does it differ from a non-Christian’s life?

Why is it so important for our mind to be prepared/ready for action?

What are you fixing your hope on? If you are a child of God where is your hope supposed to be?

What does it mean to live as God’s obedient children?

What does “holy” mean? Is there a difference between holiness and perfection?

The Bible is very clear that it is through the blood of Jesus that we are saved. We are also called to be obedient and holy. What relationship is there between being saved and obedience/holiness?

Compare and contrast 1 Peter 2:1-3 and Galatians 5:16-26.


Additional Scripture to meditate on

Exodus 19:1-6                       Ecclesiastes 1                        Hebrews 5:11-14

Leviticus 19:1-2                    Isaiah 55                                1 Peter 4:7-11

Proverbs 26:11                      Galatians 5:13-26                 1 John 1:8-2:2