Matthew 5:13-16 - Salt & Light - June 16th, 2024
/Questions to think about
Do you automatically add salt to your food or do you taste the food first and then add salt?
How has God blessed you this week?
How many uses of salt can you think of?
The Romans had a proverb, “Nil utilius sole et sale - There is nothing more useful than sun and salt”. What do you think the Romans meant?
Why do you think that Jesus tells his disciples (and all Christians) that they are the salt of the earth? What does that mean?
What does it mean that we are “the light of the world”?
Why might someone hide a light? Why would a Christian try to hide the fact that they are a Christian?
What is the purpose of good works?
How will a proper understanding of good works make sure that we don’t get confused and think that our good works save us?
Where are you shining your light?
Related Scripture passages to meditate on
Genesis 1:3-4
Leviticus 2:13
Numbers 18:19
2 Samuel 23:3-4
Psalm 27
Psalm 119:105-112
Isaiah 2:1-5
Isaiah 60 (especially vv. 19-21)
John 1:4-9
John 3:19-21
John 8:12
1 John 1:5-7
Colossians 4:2-6
Revelation 21:1-22:5