March 16th, 2025 - 2 Peter 1

Questions to think about

Peter starts the letter by saying he is a slave of Jesus Christ. What does this mean?

How do we grow in knowledge of God and Jesus?

2 Peter 3 says that God has given us everything necessary for a godly life. What does a godly life look like?

Faith is given to us by God (Ephesians 2:8) so how can we supplement our faith (2 Peter 1:5)

Read 2 Peter 5:8 - What does it mean to be productive and effective/useful in our knowledge of Jesus Christ?

What is the difference between working to confirm/prove our salvation versus working for salvation? (2 Peter 2:10)

Have you ever believed something only to find out later it was a lie? How did you feel when you found out?

Why can we have confidence in what is written in the Bible?

Additional Scriptures to meditate on

Psalm 116:15-19

Luke 9:23-25

Romans 6:15-23

Galatians 5:16-26

2 Timothy 3:14-17