It's Time - John 12:20-50 - March 24th, 2024

It’s Time - John 12:20-50

What comes to your mind when you hear the words “It’s time”?


Why do you think the Greek Jews wanted to meet Jesus? (John 12:21)


What is “glory”? How might the world define it in terms of “March madness” or Caitlin Clark breaking the women’s basketball scoring record?


What is Jesus’ view of “glory”? John 12:24-25 How does the world’s view of glory and Jesus’ view of glory differ?


What does it mean to follow Jesus, to be where He is, and serve Him? (John 12:26)


Read John 12:43 – What does it mean to love the praise of men more than God? How can you guard against this happening to you?


Human praise kept some from confessing that Jesus is Lord. What things today keep us from believing and confessing that Jesus is Lord?


What is the result of believing in Jesus? What is the result of rejecting Jesus?


Additional Scripture passages to meditate on this week:

Isaiah 6

Zechariah 9:9-17

Luke 19

John 11

Acts 4